
United States Copyright Filing #PA0000620949

Basic Data

Full Title R-360.
Type of Work Computer File
Copyright Number PA0000620949
Filing Date Jun 24, 1993
Description Videogame.
Date of Creation 1990
Date of Publication 1990-07-03

People and Companies

Copyright Claimant Sega Enterprises, Inc.
Authorship on Application Sega Enterprises, Ltd., employer for hire.
Associated Names Sega Enterprises, Inc.
Sega Enterprises, Ltd.

U.S. Copyright Records

A copyright is a form of legal protection available for any original work that is fixed in some tangible medium, such a painting, a sound recording, or written text. Any work, published or unpublished, automatically receives copyright protection. Write a poem on a napkin in a bar and it immediately receives copyright protection courtesy of U.S. federal law. However, millions of people take the extra step of registering copyrights every year with the U.S. Copyright Office. Registering a copyright means there is a public record of your copyright as evidenced by a certificate of registration. Moreover, in a legal dispute registered copyrights may be easier to enforce and may be eligible for more damages.

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