Susitna Forestry Council

Alaska Company Filing #114899

Basic Data

Entity Type Nonprofit Corporation
Formation Date Apr 21, 2008
Status Active - Good Standing
Entity Number 114899
Home Jurisdiction Alaska
Principal Address 850 Grandview Rd, Sebastopol, CA, 95472-2930
Live/Dead Live

Registered Agents

Kalke, Timothy R. Po Box 1050, Talkeetna, AK, 99676


Name Position Address
Arthur Mannix Po Box 284, Talkeetna, AK, 99676
Mark Stahl Po Box 212, Talkeetna, AK, 99676
Dan Valentine Po Box 868, Talkeetna, AK, 99676
Willi Prittie Hc 89 Box 8401, Talkeetna, AK, 99676
Jeff Robinson Po Box 477, Talkeetna, AK, 99676

Global Company Records

Every company in the world has a home. That home, or jurisdiction, defines the general rules that apply to the company. A jurisdiction could be a country, like Mauritius, a state, like California, or a even a special administrative region, like Hong Kong. Each jurisdiction has an agency that oversees company registration and filing services. That agency is also the official record keeper of all its companies’ public information. The agency publicizes basic company information so people can verify the existence of any company.

We have collected public company information from across the globe and devised individual records for each company. Our records have the company’s most useful basic information, such as the name, formation date, address and, in some cases, the officers and directors.

While we strive to reflect the changes made from state websites as quickly as possible, state websites are updated on a daily basis, which may result in discrepancies with our records.